Saturday, September 27, 2014

It's not about how hard you can hit. It is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

Why hello there 
It has been a while…
My life is going 100 mph.
But guess what?
I love it. 

College is crazy. I am honestly never home. I wake up go to school, go to study hall (i am required to be in our study hall 12 hours a week), I go to practice and weight lifting, to yes.. more study hall, to work sometimes, then home for dinner and bed. But slowly I am starting to love it. 

Being a college athlete is like 
buying a spot for you in cemetery… 
It means death. 
ha jk. 

It isn't death, it is just really really close. Running for UVU is the hardest thing I have EVER done in my whole life. I have never been pushed so hard and so far (miles). I have never been so tired that at night I lay down in bed and I fall asleep within five minutes of resting my head on my pillow. 
I can honestly say this… I never knew I could do what I am doing right now… but still compared to others I am as slow as a turtle… Fyi that saying "Slow and steady wins the race" isn't true… I have experienced it first hand. So don't believe it. But on serious matters. I am loving every second of the scorching hot practices where I feel like curling up into a ball and disappearing into the ground, to icing for what seems like an eternity, to weight lifting and feeling like a wimp (but getting pretty strong), to the trainers rubbing you out so hard you feel like you're gone break, to drinking more than you thought your body could handle, waking up sore, and then repeating it all again. You know how people think and say that runners are crazy?? Well I completely agree with them. But I love it. 
When I feel like giving up there is a quote in one of my favorite videos that always haunts my mind. 

"Destiny waits for no man. And when your time comes and thousand different voices are trying to tell you you're not ready for it. Listen instead to that lone voice of decent the one that says you are ready, you are prepared. It's all up to you now." 

It is crazy to me that words can have such an impression on your mind when you are in your greatest pain and you feel like dropping to your knees and crying. But instead you listen to that one voice in your head and you conquer your pain and you become stronger than you were before. 
The video that I am sharing with you is one of my favorites to watch and listen to either in the morning, before my work out, or even working out. It gives me strength to not let the hit of pain stop me from succeeding and becoming the person I want to be. 

I hope you enjoy the video. 

xoxo abs