Monday, July 28, 2014

Who knew a piece of paper could mean SO much

This is a delayed post and I am sorry…. I am a busy busy girl ;) anywhooooooooo
I got a surprise letter from the one and only Elder Wyatt Payne!!!! It came at the perfect timing! I couldn't have been happier to have received a letter from my sunshine around the world :) 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

On top of the world a.k.a Mount Timpanogos

Hiking Timp has been one of my life long goals/dreams. With living right at the bottom of it and have been running on all of the lower trails my whole life. I had always had the desire to hike this HUGE mountain I look at everyday of my life. I finally got the opportunity to hike up this wondrous mountain with some pretty amazing people. We all met at the Young's home at 4:30 am we said a prayer and we were off. We started our long journey. I was amazed the whole time. We are so blessed to have such an amazing place to live in. I could not believe the fact that I had not been using all of this to my advantage my whole life! It is so beautiful. While hiking up we not only had the entertainment of the beautiful scenery we had Brady and Cade talking about The Lord of the Rings the whole way up and down. They would reenact scenes and explain it all to us. It was very entertaining. Once we got to the very top my breath was taken away (literally haha). It was the most rewarding hike to see "on top of our little world"… We decided to take the most adventurous and dangerous way down. The glacier…. We all had garbage sacks that we wore like diapers and off we went down the glacier. As we all reached the bottom we realized that our bottoms and hands were ice burned. But it was so worth it :) The glacier ended at emerald lake. As tradition follows in their family, everyone must jump into the ice cold lake (except hayden…) So we all took our shoes off and dove into the lake. It takes your breath away!! But so worth the jump :) We then began the long journey to the bottom. That was the longest part for me. We could see the parking lot almost the whole time! Kim and I were so tired of walking so we ran the whole way down. The hike was beautiful and so much fun:) I can not wait to go up again. Anyone want to go?? Seriously I will go!! 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Counting my many blessings. This one is at the top of the list!

Elder Wyatt Christian Payne 
I am extremely grateful for this sunshine in my life. He has changed my life since day one. We have had some fun, hard, happy, sad and everything you can imagine. Elder Payne has changed my life. Maybe one day you will all get to hear the stories of our adventures. Oh by the way Elder Wyatt Payne is serving in Taipei, Taiwan serving a LDS mission :) 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A little change has never killed anyone… Right?

Summer days are filled with laughs, late nights, swimming, getting sunburnt, spending time with friends  and family, and the worst part working. But while that is all great… You still get bored of the same day to day life style. I am a victim of this boredom… But not the typical "Mom I am boreeeeeeed"
It was the I am SO bored of my boring brunette hair!!!! Soooooo I decided to use the handy dandy google to find the change I was searching for. GUESS WHAT?! I most definitely found it!
I would like to admit this decision in my life did indeed take weeks for the actual phone call to happen and set up an appointment. I went to many friends and family members and asked for their honest opinion. I got the thumbs up from almost everyone. Guess who the hesitant one was?? My mother of course :) She loved the idea though. I called and set up the appointment…. Then the wait began. All of my worries kicked in.
What if it looks bad?
What if I hate it?
I do NOT want to look like a Barbie. Or ugly...
Will it make me look "fatter"? haha
Will she do what I want?
I can't do it. Should I call and cancel? NO abby… You are doing this!!
Of course while I am driving there I am shaking, almost crying, extremely terrified.
I walked in still shaky. The desk lady asked me to fill out all of this paperwork. OH my it was weird, kind of a big step for me. I have never gone or done anything that big without my Mommy by my side. Buuuuut I was brave ;)
I then went and got settled into my chair. We then began discussing what we would be doing with my hair. THEN IT ALL CHANGED!!!!!!!!
Just so you all stop wondering….
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
I am extremely happy with how it has turned out. I would say that I am pretty "proud" of myself for being so brave and taking a "BIG" step in my life ;)
I can now check off two things off of my growing up list…
Fill out paperwork without my mom… haha CHECK
Change my hair… CHECK

 I would like to apologize for the repost of my picture of me in The Great Lake Powell…..
Deal with it :)