Sunday, August 31, 2014

Who's Student ID Card Is This???

Heeeeeeeyyyy thats me and my name on that UVU student ID card!! I think I am now a full time student there?? WOO YA!!! Everyone I did it :) I know shocking… I am a little shocked myself to be honest. I didn't think I would make it this far. Just teasing :) 
Well guess what guys? I officially made it through my first week of college annnnnd I raced my first race as a Utah Valley Wolverine!!! Kind of REALLy weird to not be wearing my blue and gold stuff and bows (</3). The best part is… I AM ALIVE!! Crazy to think I did some pretty hard things this week and I am here to tell you I am alive, breathing, sore, doing homework 24/7, missing Wyatt, and not eating as much chocolate and candy. But I am as happy as a lark ;) jk I am really happy with where I am and what I am doing. The Lord has blessed me immensely with an amazing family, great team, wonderful bed, a mom who will cook anything for me at anytime of the day oh and she does my smelly laundry oh and always is so willing to rub my feet and calfs out (i know she is THE best), a cute dog that will do the craziest and funniest things, and temples all around me to go and clear my mind and get in tune to the spirit so I can carry on with my crazy life. I am extremely excited for this fun journey/adventure I have begun. OH guess what?!?!?!?! Wyatt's been out 6 months this week!! HOLLA 18 more to go :) I am such a lucky girl <3

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The world is a big place full of amazing people…

One of the latest adventures was shared with Emma Sordes. 
Emma is from France and you pronounce her last name like Sword. That was for you Emma ;)
Emma and I met in a interesting way…. I had been wanting to go up to the Draper Temple 
(a.k.a my absolute favorite)
 So my mom and I picked a day that we could go on a fun trail in the morning and then go home and shower and head up to my "Castle" My mom went upstairs to do her thing and I headed down to do baptisms.While walking to the dressing room this beautiful girl was right behind me. My first thoughts were…. "Where did she get that dress?" "Holy moly she is gorgeous!" Then I went on my way. As I was sitting and waiting somebody sat down right next to me. I looked over and it was her. She then leaned over and asked where I was from I said "Orem, you?" she quietly answered saying "France" like it was not a big deal at all. After we had finished everything she asked what my name was because she wanted to add me on Facebook. We then began chatting back and forth and eventually decided we needed to do a little outing together :) We picked a day and went. 
I then met her at the Draper Temple we did baptisms. After I asked her where she wanted to go eat lunch… She of course did not know.  So I said In n Out you must try their AMAZING hamburgers :) 
But she wasn't impressed by the In n Out hamburger :( She said it tastes like Mcdonalds at home… 
I think she is crazy…. So after we ate we spent the whole day shopping. We then headed to one of my good friends wedding reception. Then we could NOT miss Morgan and Addison's food truck. But sadly they closed right before we arrived. But Emma wanted to go and talk with them because their food truck is based off of food from France. So anyways…. 
She got talking with Morgan and Addison and it turns out that morgan served his mission where Emma is from and he knows her older siblings. So seriously the world gets smaller everyday.